Kenali Sarah Danielle, gadis Wechat "Masuk bilik cepat!"

Tergelak baca komen² perempuan. Mengaku sajalah Sarah Danielle ni HOT GILA BABI kot! Aku pun terbeliak biji mata ni haa, gurl damn fineee, yo ass ain't got shit on dis chick. Buta ke... dengki? Oh.... dengki.

** Klik di sini untuk mendapatkan ID Wechat Sarah Danielle **

Hahahaha. She beautiful. Yang komen pun macamlah maksum sampai tak pernah buat salah? Hahahahaaha. Laju je nak backup jantan. Padahal yang komen tu tudung litup. Dah tu cakap this girl tak lawa. Aik??!!

DP Wechat kita pun cantik, wak. Kenapa Alep Sukeri tak nak add ek??? Shittt!

She is hot. No doubt about it. I think she wanted to post her dislike to such act by that particular actor (whoever the shit he is) is just her way of telling others to not fall and be fooled by him. She didn't go to some tabloid compny and spread the news. The internet just picked up on her post je kot. I don't find a fault there.

Whatever it is memang minah ni hot. Tak lama lagi dapat banyak job dia. Hahaha! Rezeki uolss.

I don't really care what this girl is up to and whether that Dukeri dude played with his chonchon while looking at her pictures but nigguh plis...  these ladies yang komen kata dia "tak lawa", they all need a reality check! Give credit where its due this chicka here is da chica chica woot woot!

"Nak tgk b*****." Die...

IKR????" "Hey baybee, me konkon gettin stiff, lemme see some bonbon". Blergh...

"Perempuan cantik selalu diuji..."

Antara quote paling tepat aku dengar tahun ni. DD memang legend.

Memang dengki sebab budak tu lawa kot. Whenever I read "takde la lawa mana I cringe... Spoken with full of jealousy. Ke dia punya tahap lawa tu memang Miss Universe punya jenis?  Kalau tahap itu je diorang nak kata lawa, shows how unrealistic these freaks in the hijabs are.



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