Ulasan filem Blade Runner 2049 oleh Billy Tio

As good a sequel as Aliens and T2. Slow burn just like its predessesor.Same atmosphere like Artificial Intelligence (Kubrick Spielberg Project). Although may not be that thought provoking.

Set decor = perfect 10
Camera work is memukau
OST as good as interstellar
More stylish than I robot, though less action

Ryan Gosling perfect performance as K, as good as Schwarzenegger in T2. Last fight in capsule at seashore waterfront is perfect viewing experience, unforgettable. Good storyline very reasonable.

Just gives Roger Deakins his overdued best Oscar. Harrison Ford still berbisa. As effective as Aliens.

Rating: 9/10, a must see.

Tarikh Tayangan: 5 Oktober 2017
Genre: Fiksyen Sains
Durasi: 2 Jam 44 Minit
Pengedar: Sony Pictures Entertainment
Pelakon: Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Ana de Armas, Sylvia Hoeks, Robin Wright, Mackenzie Davis, Dave Bautista, Jared Leto
Pengarah: Denis Villeneuve

Ulasan oleh Billy Tio, pengulas tetap group Facebook Movie Addict



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