Ulasan filem VENOM (2018)

+ The CGI. It's BIG, BLACK, WET, VEINED Venom.
+ TOM HARDY as usual is the man behind the mask. (Go watch: Mad Max, The Dark Knight Rises)
+ There's some scary moment when the symbiosis alien trying to find its host
+ Intense chase when military agent get to hunt Eddie Brock.
+ Some good SLOW MO DRAMATIC symbiosis fight scene.

- Eddie Brock's character is far from its comic book  description.
- The storyline is generic, it is similar to HULK,  JASON BOURNE and TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY when it involves the hunt of Eddie Brock as you can see in the second trailer. The twist has already been revealed.
- I wish Eddie Brock's character has an antagonist personality and more dark, depression of two personalities, but what we got here is TOM HARDY trying to be funny similar to his previous filems such as THIS MEAN WAR and INCEPTION.
- It's the first time we get to see THE VENOM as SCARY, NASTY and AWESOME at same time but more it "SHOW UP"  macam RIDICULOUS je... part the venom trying treaten thugs too much talking 😂
- CGI look good in some point but the other seem rough and Mostly action for the venom happens at night or low light but the CGI movement is so fast sometime unclear to see what happen especially when climbing buildings and fight scenes remaind to  HULK vs ABOMINATION
- Cinematography lagi best THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN
- it's a PG-13 😤

VENOM is more like Alien action thriller than superhero movie sayang tak ada GORE dan DARAH pada filem ni...

My SCORE 7.5/10
Reviewed by Yiz Chitah (Movie Addict Facebook Group)



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